Some more Wearingeul shimmer ink swatch tests

Based in South Korea, Wearingeul are a gift and stationery supplier with a seriously impressive fountain pen ink collection which they continue to expand upon with some stunning, sheening, shimmer and standard fountain pen inks along with high quality swatch cards and papers all of which are tastefully packaged to a very high standard.

03You may be familiar with the Wearingeul brand from their distinctive square bottles, labels and packaging.

I have swatched several Wearingeul inks over the last year and have to say that I like them a lot. The qualities and nuances within each individual ink are sublime and I don’t think for a moment I am the only ink geek of this opinion. In fact the quality of stationery products coming out of South Korea, in general, is definitely getting noticed.

Wearingeul Shimmers 02Wearingeul Shimmer Inks featured: Soyoungwije, Grape Coloured Night, A Watery Star, Stars in Autumn, Flowing Leaves, Path, A Star Spattered Hill, I Am Cat and Me In The Mirror.

These nine shimmer inks are all packed full of nuance and shimmer with lovely reactions to bleach. I am Cat, Stars in Autumn and Path particularly caught my eye.

If you want to see my most recent review of five more Wearingeul inks click here and if you want to see my review of the very quirky Jekyll to Hyde ink click here.

If you like the look of these, my next post will be featuring 24 standard inks from the Wearingeul collection.

Many thanks as always to Anja for sending me the samples. Here’s a link to Papier und Stift if you want to know more click here.

And HEY! If you’re interested to know more about how to use fountain pen inks in more creative ways – whether it’s simply to observe their chromatic behaviours, or, to recreate one of my swatch cards, or, to learn how to use them in watercolour painting, illustration and calligraphy, why not check out my online course?

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