The Robert Oster Map of Australia

A couple of months back, Robert Oster sent me some inks to sample. As he comes from Down Under it just seemed appropriate to create a map of Australia using his products. Turned out pretty good…

Colours used: Dragons Night, Velvet Crush, Australian Opal Blue, Bishop to King, Yellow Sunset, Eucalyptus Leaf, African Gold, Blood Crimson, Australian Opal Mauve and a sprinkle of Schmincke gold dust!

And here are seven swatch cards of new additions to his range – most of which are used in the map of Australia:

If you are new to my site and you like Robert’s inks, click on the search icon and type his name into the search field. All of my reviews for his inks, and examples of art created with his inks, will appear.

HEY! If you’re interested to know more about how to use fountain pen inks in more creative ways – whether it’s simply to observe their chromatic behaviours, or, to recreate one of my swatch cards, or, to learn how to use them in watercolour painting, illustration and calligraphy, why not check out my online course or, even better, sign up for a workshop?

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