Krishna Cinnamon meets Diamine Earl Grey

After two and half years involved with this project, the results are now starting to bear fruit. Krishna Inks very kindly sent me their ‘monster sheen’ inks to test and I’ll post the full test swatches in my next post. But before that I just wanted to show what happened when I tested Cinnamon:

Just look at those colours leaching out: pinks, blues, greens, yellows, browns… AND, as a reminder – what happened with the Diamine Earl Grey tests:

So what do you think might happen if we took both colours into one test?

YES! A full colour water colour painting! Exciting times ahead.

If you like what I’m up to, you can also follow me on social media:
Instagram: @quinkandbleach
Twitter: @nickistew
Facebook: Fountain Pen Inks & Bleach

I also have a portfolio of test art pieces at: