Stormy Scene with Quink and Bleach

This is for a show later this month featuring a wide range of artists and mediums all attempting to interpret the word ‘SKY’. I’ve used Parker Quink ink, fully utilising its’ chromatography. Highlights created with bleach. I used a Bockingford rough watercolour paper and particularly like the textural contrast between sea and sky. Quink isn’t regarded as a great black for handwriting but it certainly has a great tonal and colour range for painting. The show is at the Halpern Gallery, Chatham, starting on 17th May 2018 until 23rd May. If you want to attend the private view on the 17th, 6-8pm, please get in touch and I can put on the guest list. This measures 650mm x 350mm and is A1 framed with double white mounts and a white wood frame. It’s for sale too!

If you like what I’m up to, you can also follow me on social media:
Instagram: @quinkandbleach
Twitter: @nickistew
Facebook: Fountain Pen Inks & Bleach

I also have a portfolio of test art pieces at: